GrainSense Special Show Offer - LAMMA 2020


-      GrainSense offers the device for £2,990 (plus VAT) to everyone who gets a voucher from the Calibre stand – 8.102

-      New bench-top battery cover will be available from 2020 onwards

Calibre are the UK distributors for GrainSense, which is the world’s first truly hand-held device for grain protein measurement. We will be offering the device for a special discount at LAMMA 2020. Every interested customer is welcome to visit the Calibre stand 8.102 and can collect a voucher that lowers the price to £2,990 (plus VAT). 



GrainSense is the first grain protein measurement device that is affordable and field durable, designed specifically for farmers to use and own. The international end-user sales price is regularly £3,900 (plus VAT), including the device, a carry bag, measuring spoons, a cap and a 1-year warranty. A personal user account is needed for the use of the device; 250 EUR/year (plus local tax, which is invoiced by GrainSense), including up to 5 grain species depending on your country (wheat and barley globally; oats, rye, rapeseed, corn and soy in selected markets), updates and calibrations, data storage, and the possibility to share and export the measurement results. 


The unique features of GrainSense are:

●     It is 5 times smaller than closest alternatives and battery-powered, and therefore convenient to use in field conditions.

●     It is at least 3 times less expensive than closest alternatives.

●     It takes just 30 seconds to make a measurement, including sample loading.

●     Portable Field Grinder now available for larger crops like corn and soy.

●     It is the only device that can be used before harvest for initialquality indication.

●     Anyone can use it without special training.

●     It will include the most comprehensive package of value-added software services providing actionable insights instead of plain data.

●     It has a potential payback time shorter than one harvesting season.

GrainSense will demonstrate their device which now also measures corn and soy, together with the new portable Field Grinder which is designed for grinding without moisture loss for in-field measurements.


Additionally, GrainSense will show a new bench-top battery cover which will be available starting in 2020. This is designed for intensive bench-top usage. The normal battery cover can be replaced by the GrainSense bench-top battery cover in a few seconds and can be connected to a basic A/C adapter that can be plugged-in for continuous intensive measurements. 


GrainSense – we help farmers through science

GrainSense has developed the world’s first hand-held device for grain quality measurement. For the first time, farmers, seed producers and plant breeders will be able to instantly and rapidly measure the key parameters of their crops in the field and make decisions that can improve profitability. We are bringing a major improvement to food supply chain. Our hand-held device measures the protein, moisture, oil, and carbohydrate content of cereal grains and other crops. The service utilizes GPS positioning and offers cloud based big data services.

*Customers in the USA, Argentina and Brazil are not able to benefit from this offer.



Rachael Smith