GrainSense Hand-Held Grain Protein And Moisture Meter

GrainSense Hand-Held Grain Protein And Moisture Meter
GrainSense Go is a revolutionary hand-held grain moisture meter which provides direct and in field data on Grain protein. GrainSense Go provides the ability for measure grain protein and moisture levels in the first truly portable format.
This portable moisture meter is packaged in a robust and handheld format. The GrainSense Go moisture analyser provides real time results on grain nitrogen and moisture levels direct to you in the field - allowing you to manage your farm and crops based on direct data, saving you money and time.
The GrainSense Go moisture meter helps farmers to make complicated and cost-effective decisions with easily obtainable data - A laboratory in the hands of every farmer!
Farmers can now have the capability of fast on-farm segregation of high and low quality grains during harvest, and make confident, analysis driven decisions within seconds.
The GrainSense moisture meter gives you an instant number on:
Protein – lab level accuracy in the field
Moisture – Faster and better accuracy on a wider range
Oil – The number to know for oil seed farmers!
Scan in the field and results are sent to your mobile phone. Using the GrainSense Go app (available on iOS and Android on yearly subscription) results can be seen, stored and exported in an Excel format.
WHAT Grain does the moisture & Protein meter TEST?
Oilseed Rape
WHAT DOES the grainsense meter TEST FOR?
The GrainSense Go moisture meter allows you to manage your farm, storage sheds and silos based on real grain data online using the farmer dashboard, which allows farmers to pinpoint exactly where each analysis was taken from.
When using the portable moisture meter on your grain in the field all data is immediately sent to the cloud – meaning you can access it wherever and whenever using the mobile dashboard. Only a small amount of grain is needed for a full analysis, minimising the impact on your crop.
This all allows you to have confidence in your analysis and know where and who to sell your product too, and at what price, saving you money.
Designed to help farmers make important, fast decisions at harvest time - “What order shall I harvest? Which field first?” resulting in the instrument being paid for in the first season!
About the app:
Automatically updates settings and calibrations when connected to the app, saving service call outs and moisture clinic visits
Subscription to the app and cloud services is done annually.
GrainSense connects to mobile phone device via Bluetooth connectivity
Update to the cloud when connected to the internet (this can be done later on if no internet connection is found in the field)
Unlimited data storage on the cloud
Export data in an excel format