Perten doughLAB

About The doughLAB

The doughLAB includes a user-friendly Windows software program with traceable calibration designed for millers and researchers. It also includes automated water dispensing (there is no need for a burette). The mixing chamber and blades are detachable for easy cleaning.

It has programmable temperature and mixing energy to mimic commercial processes, evaluate finished dough performance, research the response of dough to changing stress and perform water absorption and flour quality methods. Determine dough mixing profile, development time, stability, softening and other quality parameters of wheat, rye and durum doughs for milling, baking, and food applications. Flour, whole meals, semolina, and formulations containing ingredients and improvers can all be tested. Create custom tests for bread, pizza crust, pastry, cookie, cracker, pasta and noodle doughs.

​The Perten doughLAB

Why Choose Calibre?

Calibre has a team of highly skilled and certified Customer Support Engineers dedicated to ensuring you are confident that your equipment will always be performing to manufacturers’ standards. Supporting customers is one of Calibre's main values, and we have been offering our expertise within the food industry for over 30 years. Calibre aims to protect our customers from instrument failures and inaccurate results and reduce any potential downtime.

User Feedback

Our DoughLAB is used daily to check the water absorption of our flours. We use it to feedback adjustments within our mill. The modern mixing bowl and computerised display mean that results can easily be interpreted without variations between operatives.

Rachael Smith