ATP Testing

ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate which is an indicator molecule. This means that ATP can show you where biological residues are present. 

ATP testing uses swabs to test for these types of residues. It can play an essential part in preventing infection, contamination and maintaining high hygiene standards. 

For rapid and convenient hygiene testing, an ATP tester like the Charm PocketSwab will give reliable results in just five seconds. 

What is ATP? 

Adenosine triphosphate is like a unit of currency for molecules. It’s an organic compound and provides energy for many living processes in cells. Because it is found in and around living cells, the presence of ATP is a good indicator of biological cellular concentration. 

The enzyme ATP synthase produces most of the ATP in cells. It’s found in the membrane of cellular structures. 

Why Should You Test for ATP? 

Food safety is an ongoing issue in the UK food and drink industry. Research from the Food Standards Agency (FSA) indicates that around 2.4 million cases of foodborne illness occur in the UK every year.

Consequently, the food and drink industry and healthcare sector use ATP extensively for hygiene testing.

By testing for the presence of ATP, you can test for the cleanliness of food preparation surfaces.

When following deep cleaning procedures, testing for ATP is an effective way of certifying the effectiveness of decontamination. 

In food production and preparation, keeping equipment, surfaces and staff clean and free from contamination is essential for food safety compliance and for ensuring good quality control.

If various types of organic matter, such as food residue, go undetected, they can become sources of nutrients for bacteria, encouraging the growth of bacteria, moulds and yeast.

Therefore, testing for ATP can provide both an early warning system and a means of verifying whether food environments are suitably hygienic.

How Do You Use the Charm PocketSwab ATP Test? 

The Charm PocketSwab ATP test is a single-use swab test that gives rapid results, with an advanced level of sensitivity. 

This is a simple, three-stage procedure: 

  • You swab the surface with the PocketSwab

  • You twist and shake the device

  • You insert it into the Charm Reader for the results.

The PocketSwab releases a controlled dosage of luciferin onto the surface you’re testing. Any active ATP enzymes on the surface will cause a luminescent reaction in the luciferin.

Once you insert the swab into the reader, it will record the relative light units on the swab and determine the presence of allergens.

The PocketSwab’s simple three-stage testing technique is highly effective and gives you the data you need fast, helping to prevent cross-contamination on equipment or surfaces. The Pocketswab is one of the only tests on the market that breaks down biofilms which can help ensure a zero result, meaning clean really is clean!

For more details about this ATP tester, please contact us.

Rachael Smith