Top options for testing grain moisture on the farm this harvest


The Harvest season marks an important period in the British farming calendar as crops are harvested for food and animal feed. As many agricultural experts will agree, moisture is one of the most important factors impacting the quality and value of grain. For this reason, grain moisture testing is integral to growers, traders and end users producing high-quality grain, and is a task that demands accurate and affordable measuring equipment. 

By evaluating moisture content before, after, and during harvest using either a portable or benchtop grain moisture tester, you could save your business money by ensuring all grains are dried, stored correctly, and meet the correct specifications before leaving the farm. 

What type of grain moisture tester is right for you? 

There are two types of grain moisture testers: a portable version, which is ideal for fast field assessments, or a bench model, which is industry standard and good for evaluating grain that will be stored or dried. Bench models tend to provide better accuracy due to larger sample sizes and the technology used. These are commonly seen in grain receival laboratories and flour mills. 

Top options for grain moisture analysis 

When choosing a grain moisture analyser, it pays to consider speed, accuracy, portability, and reliability. Different analysers have different features and where some are highly reliable and accurate, they may be less easy to move around in the field. Here is a selection of some of the best products offered by Calibre Control for testing grain moisture this harvest: 

1.      Perten AM5200 Grain Moisture Analyser 

This bench top moisture model draws upon Perten’s extensive research and development with over 1,000 different types of grain moisture testing equipment so you can be confident about its accuracy, repeatability and reliability. The high frequency UGMA technology penetrates deep into samples, providing moisture and specific weight measurements in just 10 seconds regardless of temperature or crop type. 

Benefits at a glance: 

 Accurate results – the high-frequency measurement capabilities of this grain moisture meter ensure deep penetration into the grain for incredibly accurate results regardless of crop type. 

Quick – once the sample has been applied, analysis begins automatically and results are displayed in less than 10 seconds.  

User-friendly – the user interface is designed to be simple to use and easy to extrapolate information, with touchscreen technology that responds even to gloved hands. 

Possible drawbacks: 

Bulky – this machine isn’t suited for those who want handheld results that can be accessed out in the field. 

Connectivity – though the AM5200 delivers quick analysis independently, its host of connectivity features may be lost on buyers looking for the most basic and simple machine for their money. 

2.      GrainSense Hand-Held Grain Protein and Moisture Analyser 

A handheld analyser, GrainSense enables grain moisture testing along with protein and nitrogen in the field. This provides results in real time enabling fast and efficient farm and crop management, saving time and money. Within seconds, farmers can make confident decisions about the segregation of high and low-quality grains during harvest. 

Benefits at a glance: 

Real-time data – manage your farm, sheds, and silos based on live data that also allows farmers to track the exact location where each analysis was taken. 

Easy access – using the GrainSense app, access your results on your mobile phone and export to an excel format.  

Fast and confident decisions – know where and who to sell your product to and at what price. 

Smart working – the device calibrates itself via internet connection and can store data in the cloud. 

Possible drawbacks: 

Ongoing cost – the app requires a yearly subscription, presenting an ongoing cost that will have to be accounted for. 

Small samples – the GrainSense can’t handle larger samples due to its size, and may need multiple tests where larger machines need only one. 

3.      Perten Inframatic 8800 NIR Grain Analyser 

This portable NIR Instrument determines moisture protein and oil determination in grain and oilseed. Its innovative GPS technology generates accurate protein maps, pinpointing where premium grain is located on the farm. The design is rugged, robust, and simple to operate, but sophisticated enough to provide accuracy similar to elevator and lab instruments. 

Benefits at a glance 

Portable – its compact, light frame makes it easy to transport across inspection sites, with a protective carrying bag for storage during transit. 

Robust – the rugged design makes on-farm NIR analysis secure and low maintenance for long-term use. 

GPS mapping – make informed harvesting decisions with the incorporation of GPS technology. 

Possible drawbacks: 

Battery life – Full charge should see around two hours of battery life, which may be frustrating for some. 

Cost – one of the more expensive options due to its capabilities. 


To find out more about grain moisture testing equipment with Calibre Control, contact us on 01925 860 401 or at

Owen Parry